Take a Look at Some of Our Client Results and Comments Below

David Foos, Owner of Massive Dynamics

Closing an avg of 1 new client per month (LTV: $307k per client)


"I consider SalesKey a strategic partner. We’ve already closed 12 new deals We’ve also referred our clients to them as well. I’ve personally gone through over 40 different marketing/lead gen partners over the past 11 years and there are only 2 that we’ve stuck with.  SalesKey is one of them."

Jerry Goldman, CEO of Select Communications (Inc. 5000 honoree)

2 New Deals Closed, $128M in Sales Pipeline in First 60 Days


The best results I've received from a marketing campaign. The campaign hasn't even been live for two months yet and I've already closed two deals, have 10 “fix and flip” applications out (I'm confident 3 or 4 of those will close), and another $128M in the sales pipeline"

Peter Charland, Founder & CEO of Creideas Capital

$40K+ in revenue added and sales pipeline significantly increased in less than 90 days

"We generated over $40k and significantly added to our sales pipeline during the initial campaign with SalesKey"

Sheila Malhotra, Founder & COO TagFi

Averaging 1 New Client Per Month (Avg clients spend $50k-$100k+/mo)


“We were looking for a program that could help us increase our lead volume each month. We were shocked with how quickly we started receiving leads, almost immediately we were averaging about 3-5 good leads per day, but most importantly we are converting an average of 1 new client per month."

Jack Stuart, Director of Marketing of TEKTELIC Communications Inc.

632% ROI in 90 Days


"When I first heard about SalesKey, I was surprised, they immediately started generating leads and increasing my sales pipeline.  At this point I've already closed new business that conservatively represents a 632% ROI from just the first round of their lead gen program and I’m gearing up for round 2. I would recommend SalesKey to other B2B Founders & CEOs."

Bryan Barbeau, Principal at Your Digital Canvas

Above 500% ROI


“We engaged SalesKey due to their efficiencies with reaching executive decision makers applicable to our company's services. With the new business we’ve onboarded, we are above 500% ROI to date."

John Ackerman, Co-Founder & President of Branded Research, Inc.

Has More Than Paid for the Cost Many Times Over


"While the service seemed like a significant amount to spend up-front – the resulting business we gained via this campaign – has more than paid for the cost of the campaign many times over.  The organization is now hiring again."

Mike Dugan, President of Commonwealth-Consulting | Sales Xceleration Inc. (Inc. 5000 honoree)